Nightshade Collection

August 2021

This was a Tarot inspired group of books, designed with sewn in endpapers that were handprinted, embroidered covers, and lots more gold than probably needed.

From the top, the journals are the Book of Nightshade, Crow’s Gift, Shadow of the Moon, The Star Tarot Book. This was an extensive collection, designed months in the making.

I am frequently drawn to the concepts of death and growth that occurs from such circumstances and the observation of deadly nature. These themes are reflected in these books, particularly Book of Nightshade and Crow’s Gift.

All of these journals are bound in a medieval style on hemp chords, covered with goatskin, and gilded with a combination of 23 karat and 21 karat gold. The Star and The Moon journal contain an onlay on the back cover, which had been gilded around the borders.

This was a very ambitious collection on my part, and I learned a lot about my limits as an artist.